First Name
Last Name
Store Name*[your_store]
Store Phone*
Are you a Singaporean, PR or holding a valid working pass in Singapore? You need to be Singaporean/PR/working pass holder in order to host OFFLINE class on Hommeet platform.*
What class do you want to conduct? (eg. art, coding, Chinese enrichment etc)*
Your address ( please exclude the unit number). * It's crucial for parents to discover and locate your class through our regional (location) categories and home-based class Geo Locator function. This enables Hommeet to assign teaching opportunities based on your address as well.*
Do you need Hommeet to provide home venue for your class/workshop?*
If you need us to provide venue, please let us know the region you are looking for.
Your short bio including your qualifications & years of experiences in teaching. Please provide your certification details if any.*
Do you have any social media group/page or website related to the activities you are going to run? Please provide the link/s if any.*
How did you hear about Hommeet?*
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of my information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my application/ appointment shall be liable to cancellation / termination without notice or any compensation in lieu thereof.*
Confirm Password*
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